Wednesday, 13 May 2015

The Liebster Award.

Hi everyone!

I know I told you guys I was taking a little break due to uni, but I found out today that I've been nominated for the Liebster Award by my bestie and fellow blogger Megan, from her blog  Breakfast at Tiffanys Challenge. For those of you that don't know, the Liebster Award is basically a tag amongst bloggers, to give recognition to their favourite blogs that have under 200 followers/subscribers. The aim is to share your favourite blogs with each other and give recognition to smaller blogs that don't always get the attention they deserve. 
So how does it work? Those that are nominated have to answer 11 questions set by the person that nominated them, they then have to set 11 questions for their nominees to answer. Simple as that!

Here are the questions Megan set me:

Where were you born and where do you live now?
I was born in Sutton Coldfield in the Midlands and I currently live between in East Yorkshire(for university) and North Lincolnshire.

What is your occupation?
I'm a full time Law student and part time beauty/fashion blogger.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Yep! An older brother and sister.

When did you begin your blog, what made you begin?
So I started Charlie's Closet April of 2014, but I have been blogging since the age of 16 on my first blog which was called Beauty By Lottie. Last year I had a big change up of blogging style so started fresh here.

What is the aim or purpose of your blog?
My aim is to share my passion of beauty and fashion with my readers. I love sharing opinions and finding out what you guys like too. 

What are your passions and interests?
I'm extremely interested in the beauty and fahsion industry( hence the theme of this blog). I also enjoy politics, philosophy and history (especially 1920s onwards, with a focus on WW1 and WW2.)

How would you describe yourself in three words?
This is actually really difficult! I'd probably say focused, silly and thoughtful (I hope!!!)

What is your pet peeve?
I have two- people that chew with their mouth open and people that leave doors open.

What is your favourite book or film?
I'm going to cheat and tell you my favourite book AND film. My favourite book would be Charlotte Gray by Sebastian Faulks (Female British spy during in France during WW2) and my favourite film is Bridget Jone's Diary- I've seen in more times than I care to admit to and can pretty much quote the entire film. Bridget is my spirit animal, hehe.

Who are you closest to in life?
My parents, my boyfriend and my cat, Marley (affectionately known as Bob)

What are your ambitions?
I'd really like to do well in my degree and hopefully some day work for the British government/ in the Forces.

So there are my answers, which have probably helped you learn a little bit about me!

Here are my nominees.....

Charlotte from Jotlotte

Kitty from KittyBlackadder

Here are my 11 questions:

How old are you?

Where are you from?

What was the first blog post you ever wrote?

If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be?

What made you start blogging?

What is your ultimate goal for you blog?

If you were stranded on a desert island, what 3 things would you want with you?

Any pets?

Most annoying habit?

Favourite era for fashion?

What are your holy grail beauty products?

So there we go. Thank you to Meg for nominating me and I hope you've enjoyed this post!


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