Sunday, 13 July 2014

The Girl Power Tag

This week I'm coming at you with one of the best tags out there in my opinion, the Girl Power Tag. This one has been doing the rounds on the net for a while now, so I thought it was about time I jumped on the bandwagon. Let's get into it...

What does Girl Power mean to you?
For me, Girl Power is being confident in yourself and your abilities and not feeling like you're incapable of doing something just because you're female. It's about being strong and confident and not taking "No" for an answer.
What is the best advice you can give girls who want to be powerful?
Have faith in yourself. If you don't believe in yourself, how can you expect anyone else to believe in you? I'm not talking about being arrogant here, this is more about pushing yourself to do something that you might normally hold back from.
If you could have any super power, what would it be?
This is such a hard question!! I'd probably go for mind reading. Imagine all the interesting things you find out..and you'd always know what other people are thinking and feeling.
What beauty product makes you feel powerful?
I feel powerful and confident when I've got winged eye-liner on. It makes my eyes look super feline like and cool, plus there's the added satisfaction of getting in right and not ending up with eyeliner on your chin!
Why is it important to have powerful women as role models?
Role models are SO important..they're the people we look up to, to inspire us to do incredible things. Without inspiration and someone leading the way, it's hard to believe that you too can do something great.
Which public figure do you think is powerful and why?
I personally think Angelina Jolie is extremely powerful. Since 2001 she has been working closely with the UN and charities such as UNICEF to raise awareness about refugees in third world countries, she has also taken part in countless missions in areas such as Sierra Leone and Afghanistan. I think she's an absolute inspiration and is a great example of someone in the public eye using their position to help those in need. To me, she is a symbol of Girl Power.

So there is the Girl Power Tag. I encourage ALL girls out there to do this tag too, it's really quite a thought provoking one.

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